snort adderall and smoke weed

What happens if you take adderall and.

03.02.2011 · Best Answer: It would mess your body up because adderall is an upper (stimulant) and weed is a downer (opiate). Stimulants inhibit dopamine release
snort adderall and smoke weed
Mixing Adderall and weed? is the source for everything equine. From tack to horse supplies and accessories, we have what you need at the lowest prices, guaranteed!
Sometimes I take adderall, I smoke weed with it, but at the dose I took (50mg XR) I I do it all the time. I cant stand adderall. But I take them for finals. As
Smoking Adderall? [Archive]. Adderall and Marijuana Use Adderall and Weed High What happens when you (snort, smoke or.
Iron Horse Bluegrass
What happens if you take adderall and.
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snort adderall and smoke weed
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01.09.2008 · Best Answer: I have some 30mg XR adderall, I've heard snorting it increases the effects and hits you faster but I've never dared to, I don't recommend